Alex Ristoski, Personal Trainer


"My goal is to help you realize your potential, lets maximize muscle growth and take a few inches off the waistline. I'm focused on pushing your limits while keeping workouts safe and efficient. After training with me you will feel like you worked hard without overexerting yourself."


Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition and Food Science from Wayne State University.


ISSA Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Nutritionist , and Bodybuilding Specialist.


The TrainHeroic app provides a personalized fitness experience, featuring custom workout plans and real-time coaching tailored to individual client goals. Its robust tracking and interactive tools help users maximize their performance and achieve their health and fitness objectives efficiently.

Personalized Workout Plans

Our personal trainer will create a tailored workout program that aligns with your specific fitness goals, physical condition, and personal preferences. This customization ensures that you work out efficiently and effectively.

Motivation and Accountability

Regular sessions with Umbra strength’s personal trainer help maintain motivation and accountability. We will encourage you to push through tough workouts and commit to your fitness routine, helping you stay on track towards your goals.

Expert Guidance and Technique Correction

We provide professional guidance and the correct form and technique for each exercise, which is crucial for preventing injuries and maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts. We can immediately correct any errors in your form, ensuring that you perform exercises safely and effectively.

Variety in Training

Our personal Trainer have the expertise to keep your training routine engaging and challenging by incorporating a variety of exercises and equipment. This variety not only keeps the workouts interesting but also ensures that all muscle groups are targeted, which can prevent fitness plateaus and boredom.

Nutritional Advice

We provide personalized nutritional advice to help you reach your health and wellness goals effectively. by customizing your meal plans and educating you on the nutritional impact of your food choices, we support your journey towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Results Tracking

We regularly assess your progress against your goals. this not only helps in adjusting the workout regime to be more effective but also provides tangible evidence of your improvements, which can be incredibly motivating.

Client Spotlight

I’m a personal Trainer who has competed in a NPC show, and i’m passionate about using my experience to help others achieve their body building and fitness goals.